Tim Hetherington Photobook Library

Tim Hetherington Photobook Library

The Bronx Documentary Center’s Tim Hetherington Photobook Library is one of New York City’s only libraries dedicated to photography. 


The Tim Hetherington Photobook Library houses a collection of more than 2,000 photography books. Many of the books were in the collection of Tim Hetherington, an Oscar nominee and World Press Photo award winner, who helped plan the BDC before his tragic death in Libya in 2011. Other books were donated by companies such as Aperture, Mack and Radius, as well as by photographers Stan Banos, Eugene Richards, Joe Rodriguez and many others. The library was constructed over the span of a year by the BDC’s staff and volunteers.

Open by appointment only Monday through Thursday.

Please email info@bronxdoc.org to reserve a date and time block.

The entrance is located on 151st Street (Courtlandt Ave), please ring buzzer #2. 



IMAGES: © Félix Márquez  


We have grown our library thanks to the generosity of many artists and publishers, and always welcome new donations. 

If you would like to donate, please email info@bronxdoc.org with the details of your publication, and we will follow up with more information. 

The BDC gratefully acknowledges the support of Tim’s parents, Judith and Alistair Hetherington, who generously donated his books to the BDC. Others were generously donated by organizations and individuals such as: The New York Times, The New York Times Magazine, Kathy Ryan and Scott Thode, The New Yorker, GOST Books, Mack Books, Aperture Foundation, Stan Banos, and many others. 

Construction of the BDC's Tim Hetherington Library was generously funded by a grant from Phillip and Edith Leonian Foundation.