Latin American Foto Festival

Latin American Foto Festival

opening reception

Jul 11, 2024 | 6 - 9pm


Jul 11 - Jul 28, 2024


Opening Reception: Thursday, July 11, 6-9PM
On View: July 11-28, 2024
View the exhibition map

FEATURING: Lalo de Almeida | Brazil • Manuel Almenares |  Cuba • Lisandra Alvarez | Cuba  •  Santiago Billy | Guatemala  •  Alejandro Cegarra | Mexico  •  Fotokids | Guatemala  •  Magda Gibelli | Peru  •  Alí Marín | Mexico  •  Jorge Santiago | Mexico  •  Wara Vargas | Bolivia  • Victor Zea | Peru

The Bronx Documentary Center (BDC) holds its 7th annual Latin American Foto Festival (LAFF) from July 11-28, featuring large-scale photographs by both emerging and established, award-winning photographers. Their work will be displayed throughout the South Bronx’s Melrose neighborhood. This year, marking the 7th anniversary of LAFF, we will be expanding the Festival to five new locations in Manhattan, Queens and Brooklyn!

The Festival includes works from Bolivia, Peru, Cuba, Mexico, Guatemala and Brazil–photographs representing long-term projects on Bolivian women wearing traditional skirts or “cholas”; environmental and social damage in the Amazon; the worlds of single mothers and girls in Centro Habana; a centuries-old ritual dance in Guatemala; the impact of US immigration policy on migrants in Mexico, the community of Tlacotalpan, Mexico, and its river; basketball culture in Oaxaca indigenous communities; the hip hop movement in Peru; and archival images of a Caribbean social club in Brooklyn. As part of the Festival, the BDC will hold in-person workshops, tours, panel discussions, and other community events.

The Latin American Foto Festival is curated by Cynthia Rivera and Michael Kamber. 

Spanish translations by Maria de la Paz Galindo.

Gallery Hours:
• BDC I Thur-Fri 3-7PM + Thur-Sat 1-5PM (On view: July 11-28)
• Piragua Art Space I 12-8PM (On view: July 12 - August 31)
• La Sala de Pepe I Wed-Sat 1-6PM (On view: July 12 - August 31) 

Open during daylight hours, 7 days a week.


Featured Photographers:

Wara Vargas I Bolivia
📍 Location: Immaculate Conception Church Fence, E. 150th x Melrose Ave

En la historia del arte de Latinoamérica, las mujeres fueron utilizadas como musas por artistas que buscaban, por lo general, mujeres blancas con parámetros occidentales de belleza. En el arte, a través de sus diferentes expresiones, pocas o casi ninguna vez se mostró a musas indígenas.  La mujer indígena fue delegada a la figura de la servidumbre, principalmente.  

In the history of Latin American art women were used as muses by artists, who typically sought white women incorporating Western standards of beauty.--indigenous muses were rarely shown. Indigenous women were mainly delegated to figures of servitude. 


Lalo de Almeida I Brazil
📍 Location: BDC Annex, 364 E. 151st St, Bronx, NY 10455

La Dystopía Amazónica documenta la construcción de la planta hidroeléctrica de Belo Monte en el río Xingú, junto con todos los daños ambientales y sociales que este proyecto trajo a la región. 

Amazonian Dystopia documents the construction of the Belo Monte power plant on the Xingu River, with all the environmental and social damage that this work brought to the region. 


Lisandra Alvarez I Cuba
📍 Location: Parking Lot Fence (next to BDC), 616 Courtlandt Ave, Bronx, NY 10451

Como fotógrafa, busco momentos íntimos que a menudo pasan desapercibidos pero que conectan a las personas en su vida diaria. Mi objetivo es acentuar elementos de emoción y crudeza que existen en la vida cotidiana, ya sea a puerta cerrada o en las calles de Centro Habana.

As a photographer, I seek out intimate moments that often go unnoticed but that connect people in their daily lives. My goal is to accentuate those elements of emotion and rawness that exist in the everyday, whether behind closed doors or on the streets of Centro Habana.


Manuel Almenares I Cuba
📍 Location: Parking Lot Fence (next to BDC), 616 Courtlandt Ave, Bronx, NY 10451

Hace diez años comencé a fotografiar en las calles de Centro Habana para documentar el barrio donde vivo y trabajo. A lo largo de los años, he llegado a conocer cientos de personas y miles de historias.

Ten years ago, I began photographing in the streets of Centro Habana to document the barrio where I live and work. Over the years, I have come to know hundreds of people and thousands of stories.


Fotokids I 
📍 Location: BDC Annex, 364 E. 151st St, Bronx, NY 10455

This exhibition with the Bronx Documentary Center showcases part of Fotokids’ recent 30-year Retrospective Exhibit, with some additional photos taken more recently.


Santiago Billy I Guatemala
📍 2 Locations: 
Neighborhood Advisory Committee Community Garden (next to BDC Annex), 360 E 151st St, Bronx, NY 10455
Loisaida Center, E 9th St, New York, NY 10009

Palo Volador - Alcanzando el Cielo
La leyenda cuenta que, en el siglo XVIII, los jefes locales de Cubulco, un pueblo ubicado a unos 450 kilómetros de Antigua Guatemala, compartieron un sueño. En esta visión, Santiago Apóstol les exigía que realizaran una danza ritual en la que un par de bailarines girarían desde un árbol solo usando una cuerda. Cumplieron diligentemente y así nació El Palo Volador, la danza de Ángeles y Monos.

Palo Volador - Reaching Heaven
Legend has it that, in the 1700s, the local chiefs of Cubulco, a village located some 450 kilometers from the city of  Antigua Guatemala, all shared a dream. In this vision, St. James demanded they perform a ritual dance in which a pair of dancers would spin down from a tree only using a rope. They diligently complied and El Palo Volador, the Dance of Angels and Monkeys, was born.



Alejandro Cegarra I Mexico
📍 2 Locations:
Bronx Documentary Center, 614 Courtlandt Ave, Bronx, NY 10451
Terrazza 7, 40-19 Gleane St, Queens, NY 11373 (outside)

Las Dos Murallas
México solía tener la reputación de ser un santuario para los solicitantes de asilo, abrazando a los migrantes con los brazos abiertos. Sin embargo, en los últimos 6 años, México ha servido como co-enforcer de las políticas anti-migración de los Estados Unidos.

The Two Walls
Mexico used to have a reputation for being a sanctuary for asylum seekers, embracing migrants with open arms. However, in the last 6 years, Mexico has served as a co-enforcer of  United States anti-migration policies.


Alí Marín I Mexico
📍 Location: Bronx Documentary Center Annex, 364 E. 151st St, Bronx, NY 10455

En La Tierra Baja 
En la cuenca baja del río Papaloapan en Veracruz, México, la gente ha construido una historia, una economía y una cultura e identidad muy peculiar. Sus vidas están determinadas y amenazadas por la crecida anual del río. Sin embargo, sus raíces resisten a la naturaleza y resisten el olvido.

En La Tierra Baja 
Those who live in the lower basin of the Papaloapan River in Veracruz, Mexico have built a very unique history, economy, culture and identity. Their lives are determined and threatened by the annual flooding of the river. However, its roots resist nature and resist oblivion.


Jorge Santiago I Mexico
📍 2 Locations: 
Immaculate Conception Church, 378 E 151st St #2, Bronx, NY 10455
Piragua Art Space, 367 E 10th St, New York, NY 10009

Crecí en Guelatao de Juárez, un pueblo de aproximadamente 500 personas en la Sierra Norte de Oaxaca. Guelatao es famoso no solo por ser el lugar de nacimiento del presidente mexicano Benito Juárez, sino también por ser el sitio de la Copa Benito Juárez anual, en la que compiten más de 300 equipos de jugadores indígenas Zapotecas, Mixes y Chinantecas durante cinco días.

I grew up in Guelatao de Juárez, a village of approximately 500 people in Oaxaca's Sierra Norte. Guelatao is famous not only as the birthplace of Mexican president Benito Juárez, but also as the site of the annual Copa Benito Juárez, in which more than 300 teams of indigenous Zapotec, Mixe, and Chinantec players compete over a period of five days.



Magda Gibelli I Peru
📍 Location: 
Parking Lot Fence (next to the BDC), 616 Courtlandt Ave, Bronx, NY 10451

"El prototipo de bailarina de ballet clásico no suele ajustarse al físico característico de los peruanos: cuello, tronco, brazos comúnmente cortos, baja estatura... eso no debería ser un estigma ni una barrera". Así explica María del Carmen Silva, bailarina profesional retirada, por qué decidió crear una escuela de ballet para aquellas niñas cuyas familias no podían permitirse una clase de ballet.

"The prototype of a classical ballet dancer usually does not fit the characteristic physique of Peruvians, that is neck, trunk, arms commonly short and with a short stature... that should not be a stigma or a barrier." This is how Maria del Carmen Silva, a retired Peruvian professional dancer, explains why she decided to create a ballet school for those girls whose families couldn’t afford a ballet class.


Victor Zea I Peru
📍 Location: Melrose Playground, 705 Courtlandt Ave, Bronx, NY 10451

Rap en sus raíces
“Rap en sus raíces” explora una parte del movimiento hip hop en Perú y su diáspora, que lleva sus rimas a la acción. Desde la colectividad, educación popular, la autogestión y la organización comunitaria, enseñan un sentido de resistencia, comunidad y de revalorización de nuestra amplia identidad cultural.

Rap on their Roots
“Rap on their Roots” explores a part of the hip hop movement in Peru and its diaspora, a part which transforms the movement’s rhymes into action. Those engaged in this transformation teach a sense of resistance, community and revaluation of cultural identity.


📍 Location: Toñita's (Back Patio), 244 Grand St, Brooklyn, NY 11211

Para celebrar su décimo aniversario, Dysturb se une al Bronx Documentary Center (BDC) para presentar el 7º Festival Anual de Fotografía Latinoamericana (LAFF) del 11 al 28 de julio, exhibiendo obras fotográficas a gran escala de fotógrafos emergentes, reconocidos y premiados. Como parte del Festival, el BDC organizará talleres presenciales, visitas guiadas, paneles de discusión y otros eventos comunitarios.

Sus trabajos se exhibirán en todo el vecindario de Melrose, en el sur del Bronx. Este año, para conmemorar el 7º aniversario del LAFF, expandiremos el Festival a cinco nuevas ubicaciones en Manhattan, Queens y Brooklyn.

To celebrate its 10th anniversary, Dysturb is joining forces with the Bronx Documentary Center (BDC) to present the 7th annual Latin American Foto Festival (LAFF) from July 11-28, featuring large-scale photographs by both emerging and established, award-winning photographers. As part of the Festival, the BDC will hold in-person workshops, tours, panel discussions, and other community events.



LAFF Public Programming:


July 11 • 6-9PM
LAFF Opening Reception
6:30PM I Welcome + Informal Artist Walkthrough
LIVE MUSIC: 7:30PM I Anonima Orchestra
LOCATION: BDC, 614 Courtlandt Ave + BDC Annex, 364 E. 151st St Bronx, NY

July 13 • 5PM-12AM
Jackson Heights Reception
SCREENING + DISCUSSION: 5:30 | "Mamá" (2022) in collab w/ Caza Fuego
LIVE MUSIC: 7:30PM I Caracas Trio + 10:30PM I Gauchinangos
LOCATION: Terraza 7, 40-19 Gleane St, Queens, NY 

July 14 • 2-6PM
Loisaida Reception
2PM I Piragua Art Space + 3PM I La Sala de Pepe
LIVE MUSIC: 4PM I Kiki & The Fellas (@ La Sala de Pepe)
LOCATIONS: Piragua Art Space, 367 E 10th St + La Sala de Pepe, 73 Loisaida Ave


July 18 • 7-9PM

Open Mic in collaboration with The Nuyorican Poets Café. $5 Bronx Residents + $10 General Admission
LOCATION: BDC Annex, 364 E. 151st St, Bronx, NY 

July 19 • 6-10PM
SCREENING + DISCUSSION: "Negra" w/ Medhin Tewolde + Dāso Soto in collab w/ Caza Fuego
LIVE MUSIC: Kiki & the Fellas
LOCATION: Piragua Art Space, 367 E 10th St, New York, NY

July 21 • 3-7PM
SCREENING: 3PM I "Los Sures" + "Toñitas" in collab w/ UnionDocs
LIVE MUSIC: 5PM I Plena del Puente 
LOCATION: Toñitas (Caribbean Social Club), 244 Grand St, Brooklyn, NY


July 25 • 6:30PM
SCREENING: "Last One Standing” I An intimate portrait of Adela from Casa Adela
LOCATION: La Sala de Pepe, 73 Loisaida Ave, New York, NY

July 28 • 12-6PM
LAFF Closing + Block Party I Games, exhibition tours, food vendors and more!
LIVE MUSIC: 2PM I Carmen Lienqueo + 4PM I Rueda de Oro + 
LOCATION: E. 151st St x Courtlandt Ave, Bronx, NY


Exhibitions on view at:

• Bronx Documentary Center, 614 Courtlandt Ave, Bronx, NY 10451
• Bronx Documentary Center (Back patio fence), 614 Courtlandt Ave, Bronx, NY 10451
• BDC Annex, 364 E. 151st St, Bronx, NY 10455
• 151st St Community Garden, 360 E. 151st St, Bronx, NY 10455
• Immaculate Conception School (Church Fence), E. 150th x Melrose Ave, Bronx, NY 10455
• Immaculate Conception School (front of school), 378 E. 151st St, Bronx, NY 10455
• Melrose Playground Parking lot (next to BDC) 616 Courtlandt Ave, Bronx, NY 10451



Frequently Asked Questions:

Where is LAFF held?
This year we've expanded to 4 boroughs! Check our interactive exhibition map here.

  • South Bronx

  • Loisaida, Manhattan

  • Jackson Heights, Queens

  • Los Sures, Brooklyn

Is LAFF Free?
Yes, free for all!

When is LAFF held? Please scroll up to see our complete list of public programming:
The Festival runs July 11-28, 2024. 

Reception Highlights:
• July 11 • 6-9PM I BDC Opening Reception
614 Courtlandt Ave + 364 E. 151st St. Bronx

• July 13 • 5PM-12AM I Jackson Heights Reception
Terraza 7 (40-19 Gleane St, Queens)

• July 14 • 2-6PM I Loisaida Reception
2PM: Piragua Art Space ( 367 E 10th St, NY, NY )
3PM: La Sala de Pepe (73 Loisaida Ave, NY, NY)
9th Street Community Garden Fence / Loisaida Center (Corner of 9th x Loisaida Ave, NY, NY)


  • Indoor Galleries:
    • BDC I Thur-Fri 3-7PM + Thur-Sat 1-5PM (On view: July 11-28) 
    • Piragua Art Space I 12-8PM (On view: July 13-19) 
    • La Sala de Pepe I Wed-Sat 1-6PM (On view: July 12 - August 31)

  • Outdoor Galleries:
    Open during daylight hours, 7 days a week.

What countries are represented in the Festival this year?

  • Peru

  • Mexico

  • Bolivia

  • Brazil

  • Cuba

  • Guatemala

Who is participating in the Festival this year?

  • 10 Photographers: Lalo de Almeida (Brazil), Manuel Almenares (Cuba), Lisandra Alvarez (Cuba), Santiago Billy (Guatemala), Alejandro Cegarra (Mexico), Magda Gibelli (Peru), Alí Marín (Mexico), Jorge Santiago (Mexico), Wara Vargas (Bolivia) + Victor Zea (Peru)

  • 1 Youth Photo Organization: Fotokids (Guatemala)

  • 1 Archival Project: Toñita's

7th Annual LAFF Partners:

Sponsors: PhotovilleNew York State Council on the ArtsNew York City Department of Cultural AffairsOpen Society FoundationsThe Action LabCon Edison

Collaborators: DYSTURB, UnionDocs, BLOQUENuyorican Poets Café, CazaFuego

Expansion Spaces: Toñita's (Caribbean Social Club)The Loisaida Inc. CenterPiragua Art SpaceTerraza 7

Participating Musicians:
 The Anonima OrchestraCaracas Trio, GauchinangosKiki & The FellasPlena del PuenteCarmen LienqueoRueda de Oro 

The outdoor exhibits were printed by Photoville.

Wheat pasting in collaboration with DYSTURB in celebration of their 10th anniversary.

The BDC's 7th Annual Latin American Foto Festival is made possible by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council and by City Council member Rafael Salamanca; the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature; Con Edison; and Open Society Foundations. 

The Festival’s expansion is co-sponsored by The Action Lab's Liberation Summer, part of their Belafonte Initiative supporting arts and culture around social issues, in honor of Harry Belafonte's legacy. 


HEADER IMAGE: “Para mí ser una mujer Pollera es un gran orgullo. La mujer de Pollera representa a la mujer guerrera de Bolivia, que lucha día tras día para lograr sus objetivos. Las mujeres Cholas de Bolivia han tomado medidas muy importantes y han roto los esquemas para romper la discriminación ” Por Veronica Quispe​, 2017, La Paz, Bolivia © Wara Vargas 

“For me, being a Pollera woman is a great source of pride. Pollera's wife represents the warrior woman of Bolivia, who fights day after day to achieve her goals. The Chola women of Bolivia have taken very important measures and have broken the schemes to break discrimination” By Veronica Quispe, 2017, La Paz, Bolivia © Wara Vargas